Сейчас ваша корзина пуста!


Borsch is a soup, which is traditionally cooked including beetroot as a main ingredient, which gives it a strong red color. The Ukrainian and Russian name is borsch – pronounced borʃ t ʃ. It is usually served with smetana :)
1/2 kilo beef tenderloin steaks preferrably on bone
100g smoked lard (pork fat) or bacon
2 carrots (chopped)
3 onions (chopped)
2 big beets
3 medium potatoes
1/2 head of cabbage
4 cloves of garlic
Parsley, sour cream, vinegar
1. Boil meat for one hour in salted water until it is tender.
2. Cut onion, carrots, peppers, potatoes, cabbage.

3. To grate beets.

4. Cut fat on small pieces

5. Fry onion and carrots in small skillet-set aside with meat, using vegetable oil until beautiful golden colour.

6. Fry lard or bacon in small skillet-set aside with meat and vegetables

and sauté chopped beets with it until soft. Add 2 spoons of vinegar.

7. Get meat out of pot and shred-set aside.

8. Put raw potatoes and raw cabbage into boiling broth.

9. After cabage and potatoes have boiled for 5 minutes, add beets, carrots and onions and shreded meat.

10. Boil for 10-15 minutes.. Add chopped garlic, black pepper and other spices of your choice.

6 комментариев на ««Borsch.»»
Ну кулинааар)
nice shot, go on
Артем, привет.
Это Митя Шатский. Помнишь, мы английский вместе учили. Прикольное совпадение. Увидел картинку на форуме http://www.accent-club.ru/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=18287&whichpage=7
, решил скопировать адрес и увидел
Оказалось именно тот Гарусев, о котором я подумал.
Привет :) А как ты узнал, что это тот Тема? Эту фотку, кстати сделал перец из Экванта, ты еще там?
Нууу…ты реален…товаиш шеф-повар
mmm, appetizing!